The Christian Board of Education ministries operate in a manner consistent with the vision, mission, goals and Christian values of Fourth Baptist Church and our Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Beamon. Contact the Church for updated location, date and time information of the classes, activities and programs of the Christian Board of Education Ministries of our church.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Christian Board of Education is to develop and interpret to the congregation of Fourth Baptist Church the educational objectives and goals of the church. Therefore, the Christian Board of Education is responsible for:
Studying the educational needs of the church
Developing a comprehensive, coordinated, and unified Christian education program that is consistent with the Pastor's vision, the teaching mission and objectives of the church and the standards and programs of the Baptist denomination
Deciding on time schedules for workshops and seminars
Enlisting and training all church educational workers
Unifying, supervising and promoting all educational interests of the church
Providing effective overall educational ministries for the church
Improving educational services through Christian Education and the various ministries and organizations of the church
Seeking professional growth through leadership training
Maintaining a resourceful church library
The Christian Board of Education ministries envisions that the Fourth Baptist Church congregation will develop a firmer commitment to the teachings of Christ, a new integrity in all of its endeavors for Christ, and a more purposeful and Christ-centered leadership. We believe that Christian Education is a core program in the mission of the church to minister to the total individual. We are committed to excellence in providing spiritual growth. Christian Board of Education meetings are held quarterly.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Counseling Ministry will provide sessions to help individuals, couples, and families. The sessions are designed to expose self-awareness of emotional and religious conflicts through self-discovery and to help resolve problems biblically or through other resources.
Specialty Areas:
Male Issues
Life Transitions
Mission Statement
To introduce believers to the basic and advance principles, techniques and methods in a series of classes on the application of evangelism as set forth in scriptures and mandated by the Lord Jesus Christ.
During a series of three ten-week course study classes, students are actively engaged in individual, group and partner prayer as they progress from Evangelism 101 to 103, making home visits for practical application of the theories learned in the classroom so that the art of evangelism may be perfected. The class sessions are designed to help students better understand the Biblical plan of salvation as set forth in scriptures and to develop a model that will enable the student to present an effective and systematic approach to Christian witnessing. Emphasis is placed upon comprehension, memorization of scripture and the dynamics of role-playing in applying the methods and techniques of witnessing.
Mission Statement
To preserve and promote the mission of Fourth Baptist Church, this ministry endeavors to empower members to become more active in caring for their physical, mental and emotional health. The Health and Wellness Ministry meets regularly to assess, plan, develop, implement, and evaluate health Ministry programs at the church. The Health and Wellness Ministry programs include providing a greater educational focus on current health issues through church newsletter articles, sponsoring health fairs, promoting special health days, coordinating blood drives, providing church bulletin inserts to raise awareness of current health issues and to encourage healthy lifestyles.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month.
Mission Statement
The Beyond Grief (GriefShare) Ministry is a support group that meets weekly. You will find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. Grief is a process; however, there is a way to advance to a new normal.
Vision Statement
To strengthen our Faith, Hope and Trust in Jesus Christ knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us. To give support and true sincerity for one another as we work through hurt, confusion, sadness and loneliness. To pray together one for another.
Mission Statement
To provide a warm and friendly greeting and a welcome packet to every visitor creating a lasting and positive first impression of our church.
The Hospitality Ministry was established by the Pastor who sought to provide a ministry that would extend a warm, personal greeting to every visitor and fellowship in a more intimate and leisurely setting after church service. Hospitality Ministry objectives are to fulfill the vision of the Pastor of demonstrating how much we value the presence of visitors to Fourth Baptist Church; to inform visitors about the various ministries of the church; to encourage visitors to return to worship, accept Christ and/or become members of Fourth Baptist Church. Visitors are asked to complete first-time visitor cards as part of the welcome packet. This information is reported by the Hospitality Committee at the Christian Board of Education meetings and forwarded to the Deacons Ministry for follow-up.
Responsibilities of the Hospitality Ministry are:
To provide the welcome or respond to welcome at church services other than Sunday morning worship.
To provide and update the official church welcome packet for visitors to the church.
To provide church promotional items for community outreach programs
​Mission Statement
​To create authentic avenue for Godly men to fellowship.
Bible Study meet on Wednesdays from 7:00pm-8:00 p.m.
Bible Study meet on Thursdays from 7:00pm-8:00 p.m.
The New Members Classes are held for 6 Sunday sessions at 9:00-10:00 a.m. quarterly during the year to discuss Baptist traditions, theology and spiritual growth issues for new members. The New Members Class promotes Christian fellowship and support among the congregation. In this regard, the members are encouraged to consider joining one or more of the Fourth Baptist Church ministries. The New Members Committee develops and carries on a program that will minister to new members and encourage them to support and participate in the total ministry of the Church.A new church-wide program emphasis is entitled "EVERY MEMBER IN MINISTRY" which provides over 70 ways to serve the Lord and answer His call. New members are provided an opportunity to select a ministry (ministries) that they would like to join. The respective ministry contact person will contact the new member about joining the ministry. This program is offered to current members.
NEWSLETTER - Now Run Tell That
Now Run Tell That Newsletter is published quarterly, (January, April, July, and October), on third Sundays. The goal is to provide a paper that will enlighten and satisfy the readers in an effort that they will look forward to the next issue.
The Nursery Committee consists of volunteers, approved by the Pastor, whose responsibilities include staffing the nursery with volunteers for Sunday morning worship service and providing a safe and healthy environment for all children in the care of the nursery workers. The Nursery Committee also maintains equipment and recommends replacements and additions as necessary. Parents are able to enjoy the divine Sunday worship service while their children are in the Christian environment of the Church Nursery.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee oversees the program's administrative operations, coordinates programs, and provides continual leadership in decision-making processes. The Scholarship Committee is in charge of reviewing all applications and supporting materials and making recommendations to the Pastor for the Fourth Baptist Church Academic Excellence Scholarship, the Fourth Baptist Church Post-Secondary Opportunity Scholarship, the Evelyn Scott Mondy Scholarship Fund, the Mable Lucille McCullough Memorial Scholarship, the Deacon William R. Lindsey Memorial Scholarship, the Deacon William A. Mouran Memorial Scholarship, and the James E. Bridgeford Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship committee is in charge of generating recommendations for guidelines and policy considerations regarding scholarship awards.
Fourth Baptist Church has numerous scholarship opportunities for church members who are college-bound students. Some of these gracious gifts would not have been possible without the generous donor support from church family members. High school seniors and students currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution are encouraged to apply for the scholarships
Fourth Baptist Church Academic Excellence Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors based on academic achievement. Applicants must be accepted into an accredited institution and demonstrate leadership potential, as evidenced by their high academic records and personal essays. The value of this one-time scholarship is $1,500 per academic year.
Fourth Baptist Church Post-Secondary Opportunity Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a college-bound high school senior with economic needs. Applicants must be accepted into an accredited institution and demonstrate leadership potential, as evidenced by their academic records and personal essays. The value of this one-time scholarship is $1,500 per academic year.
Evelyn Scott Mondy Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund seeks to provide funds to help defray the costs of education for youth of Fourth Baptist Church who are graduating from high school and plan to attend college. These funds are available to provide incentive, honor, and financial assistance to full-time college students who have been actively involved in the community through volunteering and helping others, as Jesus would do. The value of this one-time scholarship is $500.00 per academic year. The application deadline is April 30th.
Mable Lucille McCullough Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Mable Lucille McCullough to assist a college-bound high school senior or an individual currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution. Applicants must have a passion for service and leadership while exhibiting kindness and striving for academic success. The value of this one-time scholarship is $500.00 per academic year. The application deadline is April 30th.
Deacon William R. Lindsey Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of William R. Lindsey to assist a high school male with their educational expenses. The value of this one-time scholarship is $825.00 per academic year. The Application deadline is April 30th.​
Deacon William A. Mouran Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of William A. Mouran to assist a high school male with their educational expenses. The value of this one-time scholarship is $825.00 per academic year. The deadline is April 30th.
James E. Bridgeford Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of James E. Bridgeford to assist a high school senior or an individual attending a trade school with their educational expenses. The value of this one-time scholarship is $1,000 per academic year. The deadline April 30th.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Sunday School Ministry is to instill a deeper understanding of Christian teachings in the congregation of Fourth Baptist Church and to develop a firmer commitment to the teachings of Christ.The church Sunday School is a vital component of the Christian Education Program. In addition, the Sunday School has an important role in the religious training and spiritual growth of the membership of the church.Sunday School classes are held every Sunday from 9:00 –9:45 a.m. Classes are grouped by age, school grade and/or interest. Practical and creative lessons are presented for the children's inspiration and growth. Sunday School classes for pre-school through senior high are held for: Primary (ages 6 to 8), Intermediate (ages 9 to 12), Teens (ages 13 to 18). We also have two adult options: Young Adult and Senior Adults.Sunday School teachers comprise the Teachers Council which is under the leadership of the superintendent of Sunday School. Meetings are held Wednesdays from 6:30-7:00 p.m. to study the lesson illustration for the week and to administer the Sunday School program. The superintendent will look to the Pastor for counsel and leadership in the Sunday School. The Superintendent of Sunday School has the following duties. Lead in determining the Sunday School organization needs to reach and teach effectively. Give direction to the enlisting of workers for the Sunday School. Give support and guidance to other officers in accomplishing their work. The Superintendent of Sunday School must be a person who at times with limited resources, space and personnel, must improvise; keep the teachers encouraged, and provide opportunities for advancement.
The Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an extension of our Sunday School and meets for one week during the month of June. It is designed to enhance spiritual awareness and Biblical knowledge for all ages. The VBS Committee consists of a director and volunteers from the Youth Department. The VBS Committee determines, in cooperation with the Pastor, which of the selected Bible School curriculums will be used. The VBS Committee coordinates and executes plans for a summer program for VBS, incorporating Bible stories, crafts, games and music. VBS classes are held for youth and adults and include a culminating musical program. Exact dates and times for VBS are to be announced.
Mission Statement: Minister to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of women in our church and our community and to engage in community outreach and activities that support the mission of the church.